Advanced Technology Used in our Office
Cone Beam CT
Our practice utilizes state-of-the-art, small volume cone-beam CT (computed tomography) technology that provides highly accurate, 3-D radiographic images for the diagnosis, planning and treatment of endodontic disease. This allows three-dimensional visualization of teeth, bone, sinuses and surrounding structures with minimal radiation to the patient, enabling a level of anatomical accuracy and patient care not possible with 2-D technologies (regular dental x-rays). With the addition of cone-beam CT technology to our office, our practice is committed to providing innovative, high-quality, patient care.
Digital Imaging:
Digital X-rays offer more precision since we view the enlarged image on a computer monitor and can change parameters of the image to increase clarity and contrast.
Surgical Microscopes
The introduction of the surgical microscope has revolutionized the field of Endodontic Microsurgery. We have invested in the very best quality top of the line electronic surgical microscopes by Carl Zeiss, that provide unparalleled magnification and illumination for our surgical procedures.
We believe that laser-assisted endodontics is an important new innovation and have integrated lasers into all aspects of our care, including endodontic microsurgery. Studies have shown that laser disinfection can result in the highest level of bacterial elimination up from root canal systems.
We are proud to utilize several different lasers in our practice , including
1.) Biolase Waterlase for direct laser disinfection inside the root canal system.
2.) Fotona Lightwalker Laser for Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming Therapy to enhance debris removal from the root canal system.
Sonic and Ultrasonic Instrumentation
Instruments that utilize sound waves to facilitate the cleaning of the root system.
Bioceramic and Biomimetic Materials
We use the most current biocompatible materials available in our treatments to achieve the highest success rates.